I reached into the back of the closet fumbling my fingers around in hopes of finding that favorite old hat. Letting my fingers guide my senses I quickly...
I have been spending most of my days this past month helping my bedmate work on his portfolio. The change of roles to being an assistant has been a much...
The last half of the month has been incredibly busy and I have found myself needing a bit of a breath from some of my duties. I have been a bit overwhelmed...
The tenacity of an 8 month old puppy is something to be sought after. If nothing else Sigmund has taught me to be stubborn in my beliefs yet willing to...
What started as a beautifully relaxing Sunday ended my bedmate and I stranded at the market with bags full of dairy products and sushi. Our 12 year old...
The two newbie fetish lifestylers M & A
I never imagined Sunday night ending up quite as it did. I was thinking I would be going home with two others...