As I pull the fake lashes from my tired eyes I catch myself staring at my reflection. I have one of those moments of self-awareness. Wondering how I could...

It’s Friday the 13th and I couldn’t think of a better time to write an entry. I’m one of those strange ones that actually am not afraid...

It’s already that time of year again which finds us on the brink of Fall. I notice the hours of sunlight getting shorter and my excitement growing...

I reached into the back of the closet fumbling my fingers around in hopes of finding that favorite old hat. Letting my fingers guide my senses I quickly...

I have been spending most of my days this past month helping my bedmate work on his portfolio. The change of roles to being an assistant has been a much...

The last half of the month has been incredibly busy and I have found myself needing a bit of a breath from some of my duties. I have been a bit overwhelmed...

The tenacity of an 8 month old puppy is something to be sought after. If nothing else Sigmund has taught me to be stubborn in my beliefs yet willing to...

From time to time I get reminded why I rarely interact within the swing lifestyle. Most people aren’t mature enough to handle the relationships...

What started as a beautifully relaxing Sunday ended my bedmate and I stranded at the market with bags full of dairy products and sushi. Our 12 year old...

The two newbie fetish lifestylers M & A I never imagined Sunday night ending up quite as it did. I was thinking I would be going home with two others...

This week has been super crazy! It all started last Friday when a friend of mine, Derrick, wrote to say he had extra tickets to the social event of the...

At Snack Bar and I do believe the title is more than they intended. The days have seemed to blend into one another with the speed of a machine. Just the...
