I knew this was going to be a busy weekend but I really had no idea how tired I would be afterwards. Not knowing if Wes would be arriving by himself or if we would have an extra house guest for the weekend I stayed home on Thursday to tidy up the place a bit before they arrived. Hoping they would make it into town Sunday before my bedmate and I had to leave for our brunch plans with Lydia and her boyfriend. It seemed everyone we new from DFW was in town this weekend and they all had plans with us. Excited enough to see Wes for a few days I was even more excited to see dearest Lydia. Having not seen her for two years nor having never met her boyfriend I could barely sleep the night before. At eleven a.m. the alarm went off, I drug myself out of bed, half asleep put myself together, and waited to hear from Wes. It was 12:30 and we had to leave just as his text message dinged. They would be meeting us at the diner. As usual we were running a bit late as we showed up to 24 Diner. There standing at the entrance was Wes, smiling from ear to ear and looking better than I had ever seen him before. My stomach had butterflies, excited and nervous to see him I squeezed his arm and said I’d be right back as I slid past the door to find Lydia. There she was seated at the counter with her boyfriend Chris. Looking as beautiful as she ever does I called her name and by the time I reached her we were embraced in a hug that neither of us wanted to let go. Realizing we were standing in the middle of way we said our hellos. By that time my bedmate was behind me with Wes and Steve in tow. I leaned over and hugged Chris introducing myself along with the rest of the gang behind me. It wasn’t until we were to be seated that I turned around and gave Wes a great big long hug. He felt so good and I couldn’t express how happy I was to see him. I leaned back and gave him a great big smile trying to break the stupor I was in. I had two of my absolute favorite DFW people with me and I think I must have been in shock for once in my life I didn’t know what to say. I took a deep breath and gathered my sleepy stunned self before I could speak. It was only then I realized I hadn’t met Steve so I leaned across the table and introduced myself. I think the only two people awake were Chris and Lydia. Steve and Wes left town around 9 a.m., Wes worked the late shift at the bar Sat. night, I had worked the night before as well, and my bedmate wasn’t feeling the greatest either. We all ordered a round of drinks and spent the next two/three hours talking over food. It was the best day I could have had and it finally was starting to feel like a birthday. It’s really all I wanted, good food, new places, old friends, and great conversation. It really was perfect!
Riddled with anticipation on how things would work out with Wes’s friend, Steve, I wasn’t sure what to expect or how to behave. I didn’t know how much he knew about the situation with my bedmate and I and I didn’t know how Wes wanted to handle it. Sexually pent up from a lack of sex and an increased drive knowing I would see Wes lead to me being tense. All I wanted was a drink and it was Sunday, all the liquor stores were closed. Something to tame a bit of the anxiety and apease the wait till evening before anything would happen. All I kept thinking about was how are logistics going to work… Steve was going to crash on the couch, Wes was sharing our bed, and I wasn’t going to spend an evening between two of my favorite men without getting seriously laid. Would Wes be too uptight to have sex, would Steve behave like a gentleman knowing what was going on in the next room, would he expect to be getting a little extra himself, and how would I explain this one in the morning? My thoughts would eventually seem mundane and I would wake up a bit sheepish walking the “hall of shame” to the shower the next morning but sleeping in a house full of guys can do that. Last time I was partying so much, and so was everyone else, that it didn’t seem to matter. Being sober is a completely different experience. Always being guarded for an unexpected out lashing of disapproval left me a bit surprised at the realization that perhaps people accept me for how I am more than I realize.
The entire point of this weekends visit was to see a concert Wes had tickets for, Citizen Cope. Knowing only one song of his that has hit top 40 I knew it was going to be an adventure. Waiting a half hour past show time he finally arrived on stage. All of us tired, the boys having had a few beers before the show, and I put in the middle hoped it was going to be something better than what it appeared. The third song he played was the only song I knew and by the fourth song I was nudging my bedmate awake while trying to keep my head from bobbing. Wes leaned over and said we could go anytime we wanted. I chuckled and passed the message on. By the end of the fifth song we were jumping out of our seats and heading towards the door. In all my years of being in the music industry I have never left a concert before it was finished let alone after the fifth song. It was really bad. Now perhaps if you are a big Citizen Cope fan you would have appreciated the one man acoustic show he performed but when all his songs play the same three simple cords it’s enough melodic melody to put anybody to sleep. We called Steve to pick us up then it was off drinking. My sexual nerves would be calmed with a few drinks at the bar as everyone seemed to loosen up a bit. It’s amazing what good music, a crowd of fools, and liquid courage can do. We made it home a little after midnight. My anticipation returned as my bedmate was encouraging a gang bang (so I would have fun). I didn’t want to cross any lines of friendship between Wes and Steve, and I really only had interest in my bedmate and Wes. Somehow I still ended up naked giving Steve a full body hug on the couch, Wes was getting ready for bed, and my bedmate a bit buzzed from the beers was sitting at the other end of the couch. All I could imagine was what Wes was thinking when he walked down the hall and saw me naked, laying on top of Steve who had his wandering hands all over my ass. The only response I heard from him was “You guys have fun I’m going to get an hour power nap.” Steve replied with, “It’s cool I’m just getting her warmed up for you.” Wes laughed and said, “She doesn’t need warming up.” It was the first words of sentiment in knowing me I’ve heard from Wes and warm fuzzies ran through my body. I quickly responded with, “No, I’m coming to bed with you.” and got up off of Steve. He smiled and I went to get ready for bed.
The night would be a restless sleep randomly waking at movements and noises, tightly fitted between two boys, and waiting with sexual anticipation. It wouldn’t be until early morning when Wes woke up that I would finally have what I had been waiting for. My bedmate and I had started somewhere in the evening but when Wes grabbed my hand and placed it on his hard cock I relaxed. I pulled down his boxers and jumped on top of him. The first rays of the sun were coming into the window silhouetting my figure poised above him. For a split moment I thought about Steve laying on the couch wondering if he was passed out. Wes grabbed my ass and lifted me forward and I quickly forgot about our house guest. It was the exact things of dreams as one boy was finished the other was ready to go and I jumped between them dripping down my thighs. It went on like that for more than an hour. Wes grabbed me for the last time, flipped me on my stomach and gently but firmly pressed my hips downward as he thrust himself inside me as deep as he could feeling his semen warm inside me. I exhaled with delight as his last thrust stopped deep inside me. I knew I would hurt for a good couple of days and I smiled knowingly.
Lazily I rolled over to my bedmate, ass pushed towards him, head angled forward just enough to touch the edge of Wes’s shoulder. There I laid, breathing heavy, exclamations of delight, moving as much as I could while my bedmate and I finished off, and Wes gently pulled my hair while I was cradled in his side holding my hand. I laid in bed for a few moments catching my breath, reeling from the euphoria, not daring to move for the bed sheets beneath me were soaked. I rolled over into Wes’s arms, my bedmate curled behind me. It was 9:30 a.m. and we were all wide awake. Eventually we rose for the day, me walking out of the bedroom, towel draped in one hand, hair tousled, naked as I smiled and glanced in Steve’s direction saying Good Morning as I made my way to the shower.
Breakfast was served at the Noble Pig just down the street. Being awake early enough to catch their breakfast and lunch menu was a rare treat so I jumped at the chance to have biscuits and gravy. I had realized how hungry I was when my stomach started grumbling and my hands started shaking while laying in Wes’s arms. I still don’t know how I almost finished the plate of milk biscuit with hand made country sausage, egg and black pepper gravy. It was like grandma was in the kitchen whipping up homemade biscuits, cast iron creamed gravy, and hand made sausage patties, with an egg that was so light and fluffy I thought I was eating a souffle. I thought I was going to make myself sick. Wes finished the last couple of bites of my sausage and gravy after finishing his sandwich.
After breakfast Wes and Steve went mountain biking, which ended up in one disaster after the other. My bedmate took a nap that I would shortly follow, I dealt with e-mails, and did a load of laundry so the boys had clean towels when they returned. The hardest part of his visit is saying good-bye so I gave Wes a hug and I thought he would never let me go. I held back my sorrow. They left in the early evening as my bedmate and I were walking out the door for our dinner with my family in town. It was the yearly birthday dinner for my cousin and I and this year we went to Sway, a modern Thai restaurant. A restaurant I had been wanting to try for some time. The place was packed for a monday night and by this point our big breakfast with the boys was wearing off, exhaustion was setting in, and all I could think about was warm sake and the aroma wafting from the tables as we waited.
We began with som tam, a green mango salad, then we each had a dish, green curry with tofu, XO mussels stir fry, peanut curry with chicken, chicken fried rice, pad kwetio wok noodle with pork belly, and nashi pear chicken stir fry. There was more food than we realized and when dessert came around none of us thought of ordering until I heard the words award winning pastry chef. That’s all it took when Patrick and I looked at each other it was decided. Two cups of Thai coffee, strong black coffee served with condensed milk, and two desserts.They brought us two little bowls of ice cream with birthday candles, jasmine tea panna cotta, and miso-white chocolate semifreddo. We were so stuffed you had to roll us out. The walk to the car was more than welcomed and the moment I hit the seat a sigh of relief escaped. I decided I wasn’t going to have to eat for a week after this.
24 Diner Sunday Morning
Sunday Night Citizen Cope

Hopefully you can tell who these are but they were the best part of the concert.
Two guys had dressed up in suits and put on muppet heads to look like the two old theatre critic men from The Muppet Show.
Monday Night Sway

Left to Right: My bedmate, Me, and Patrick at Sway
In all the excitement that night we left the camera at home. Good thing for cell phone cameras.