This week has been super crazy! It all started last Friday when a friend of mine, Derrick, wrote to say he had extra tickets to the social event of the year, The White Party. Having wanted to go since I moved to Austin I vetoed work and took advantage of the opportunity. We had so much fun! Gray Goose was the alcohol sponsor providing vodka, I found myself sipping on cherry tom collins all night. Many of the posh restaurants in town had tables providing appetizers and tid bits of tasty treats. They had a great dj providing lights and music and the rest was up to us. We met tons of people, some I knew and others newly introduced, but none the less it was a night filled with socializing. Seeing as the event ended at midnight there was no where else to go but downtown. We caught up with other friends and bar hopped for a while catching the last drinks at a gay club but the best part of the night was the trailer food. Dude after drinking all night it was time to eat at 2 a.m. The best place to do that at was Shorty’s trailer with good ol’ fashioned hamburgers and fries that rocked. The fries were awesome, so awesome I had to ask them to take them away so I wouldn’t finish eating them. Perfectly fried crispy shoe string potato fries. I’m going to have to go there again just for the fries! Afterwards we went back to Derrick’s place for the after after party where my bedmate and I ended up passing out on his couch for a while, we didn’t leave until 6:30 a.m. on Saturday.
Saturday was toast because Friday night I tried falling out of my six inch platform shoes twisting my ankles. We were cutting through parking lots and alleys going from club to club when my right ankle gave out on me. I went to catch myself with my left foot and that ankle gave out. Luckily I had the guys on either side of me to catch my fall otherwise I was about to eat concrete. By the time Sunday rolled around all I wanted was something low key and relaxed. The over whelming urge of wanting gelato on a warm day took me over and my bedmate and I headed downtown for some refreshing treat. Here I am in a sundress I’m about ready to fall out of, no makeup, hair held back by sunglasses and a wooden spoon filled with just enough gelato to savor each and every bite. Ahh, the pleasures of life that simply are enjoyed. Sitting in the late afternoon sun I had been pondering what I was going to do with dear old Sigmund’s coat. His hair was getting terribly long and even just a jot outside to go potty was leaving him absolutely panting most of the day, it isn’t even summer yet. Knowing full well I needed to have him shaved I couldn’t bare thinking of loosing my fluffy teddy bear. Reason would quickly overtake as Tuesday would bring his groomer appointment. What I didn’t know was how miffed he was going to be when I picked him up. Not happy with the fact he was trimmed to a velvet shear he shunned my bedmate and I for the rest of the day as well as most of the following day. Eventually as he realized how much cooler he was he slowly began to warm up. In spite of it all he does look really cute and I can definitely see the spindly form of the poodle in him now. Although he isn’t as cute getting away with chewing on my shoes as he used to be.
The White Party

These were two crazy people we met on our way out of the event. Still don’t know what their names were.

And nothing like great burgers and fries that are like crack… dangerous late night food at Shorty’s!