The tenacity of an 8 month old puppy is something to be sought after. If nothing else Sigmund has taught me to be stubborn in my beliefs yet willing to change when a noose is around your neck. After being tired of having whip lash from his jerking on the leash and back spasms I was quickly realized none of my attempts at training him to behave properly on one was working so I broke down and bought a training collar this week. Much to both of our shagrin we are stubbornly battling out the control of master on this topic. He’s quickly gaining a dislike for his collar but he’s also quickly altering his jerking behavior too. I watch as his nature is transformed to perform in a way I deem acceptable and can’t help but notice the similarities to our own existence. Finding myself in a life period that I too am fighting change which is before me and even as the training collar is around my neck forcing me in a direction I haven’t wanted to go I too am finding myself altering my behavior in order to suffice the demands of life. In this way there is no difference between any species in the animal kingdom. We all must alter our behavior, even in ways we don’t want to, in order to continue moving forward in life.
Posted on Jun 5 2013 - 9:00am
by Ruby Day
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butterfliesbutterflyDIARYgingerjerkingleash trainingpuppyred hairRed HeadRUBY DAYRuby's DiaryRubyDayRubysDiaryRubysDiary.comstubbornTenacitytraining collar
About the Author
Ruby Day is the co-owner and naked adventure starter of RD who woke up from a dream one night and started this site in January of '07 dragging her bedmate into this crazy dream come to life. Since then she hasn't had a moment of thought that didn't include nudity and filming. Ruby landed herself on the cover and in multiple spreads of Hustler magazine, in the pages of AVN and AVN Online and has been recognized for her film and photo work on RD by the Good For Her Feminist Porn Awards, AVN Awards, and XBIZ Awards. Ruby is a fun loving free spirit who believes wearing clothing is over rated, had she been intended to do so she would have been born with them. In all honesty, she's just most comfortable naked.