There comes those moments in life that time seems to slip by without a notice leaving a trail of events in its aftermath. Waking up from what I call a time warp of existence leaves me wondering what drug the Sandman put in my sleep. It usually entails the loss of connection with friends and the to do list being tossed by the way side but somehow in this auxiliary universe I have seemed to accomplish a bit of both social connectivity and a feeling of accomplishment. Bringing my friends along for the whirl wind of time while achieving even if it’s a miniscule amount of that to do list is a feat I have only been able to achieve once in my life. It all began with a Skype call to an industry mentor that ended in the least expected of ways. I had a feeling something was going on, not necessarily in a good way, only to have my suspicions confirmed with any hope of plans and ideas pushed of the cliff as life took it’s hold on my direction. I always remind myself that these things happen for a reason even if I don’t understand why the culmination of hopes get down trodden, there is another door waiting to behold itself with new opportunities. Even if it does feel as though life has put me on the end of a yo-yo string doing it’s tricks of travel around the world. By the time the days event had unfolded I was ready for what the following brought. Tied up in a pretty bow of stress relief I joined friends on what was a pleasant Fall evening on the patio of what would be a new experience. Joined by those I have recently become acquainted with and those who are newly joined we were serenaded with the sounds of Mediterranean music, the lulls of red wine and hookahs, and the chatter of reconnection. It needed to be something that moved my mind from doom and gloom into a night that would lead to an early morning arrival the following day. At this point the lack of motivation and direction only swept its way into the remainder of the week. What was a chance encounter at the club Friday night may yet prove fruitful in the days to come. I happened to sit on the lap of a gentleman recently relocated producing a TV series who I hit it off with. What would seem as an unimportant interlude amongst a busy evening turned out to lead me astray Saturday night as our texting that morning found me accepting his extra VIP passes to ACL. Little did I know it would have my bedmate invited to be on production set of the show and I with a possibility of an extra in the series. It also found us completely drenched from the storm that rolled in that night causing all of us to be soaking wet waiting an hour in the parking garage to return home. Plans for drinks were made for the following week but it seems the rest of the story is yet to be seen. Friends unexpectedly from out of town arrived the same weekend, my bedmate and I still in a twitter from the weeks events, having brunch with yet another group of friends we hadn’t seen in some time. I’m not sure if it was the alcohol that continued to flow through the plates of food or if any of us were recouped from the night before but as the afternoon rolled passed the noise level of the semi-explicit conversations became louder. It’s what happens when a comfortable group of swingers who half have slept together mingle through cocktails knowing the manager of the restaurant better than most of his staff would like to imagine and yet we could just blame it all on the attendance of my bedmate and I. As one of our friends said, “I always love seeing you guys because you are the only friends I can talk to about things I never would imagine talking with anybody else.”

The gang again! Don’t we look like we’re up to trouble?
Left to right: Natalia, Natalia, Derrick, Me, Analy, Kelly, and Hilary