The smell of a crisp Fall evening and baking apples with cinnamon fills the air this weekend as I attempt to pull myself together after this weeks events. All was going well, I was on track and dare I say even a bit ahead of the game when my work week began but Saturday would bring an abrupt halt to things. Saturday brought a humiliating experience for me. What may have been just part of being human to most left me incredibly embarrassed and humiliated. I was at the club, working my last night of the evening, sitting with a customer who had come to see. I was sitting on his lap and we had been talking for some time when suddenly I felt as though my nose was going to drip. Thinking nothing of the sensation I reached my hand towards my nose to dab it off when it dripped. A bit embarrassed that such a thing would happen I glanced down at my chest where I had felt it hit to see if my eyes would deceive me. What I found instead was something quite different than expected as the blotch of red diluted outward on my gown. I was a bit in shock at what I was seeing but at the same time registering what was taking place. No sooner than I could reach for the few napkins disheveled on the table than I felt more was coming and quickly. I placed one hand under my nose as the other reached for the pile and quickly placed it under my nose tilting my head back. Thinking it would stop fairly quickly I sat on the gentleman’s lap waiting. Soon the napkins I had held were soaked and I stood up to reach for more as I walked towards the bar. I returned to the table thinking I would sit back down but I realized the nose bleed was getting worse. I couldn’t stop what seemed to be a steady flow of blood that was quickly moving. It was as if someone had turned the faucet on low and I had no control. At this point the second stack of napkins were useless and I was cupping my hand under my nose as I walked to the bar for a third round. Hand filled with blood, dripping everywhere I stepped including on me, my white dress, and the floor. No matter which way I tilted my head it flowed steadier and steadier. I excused myself from my customer apologetically, ran to the bathroom and sat down hoping to God it was going to stop. By the time I sat down the third wad of napkins was obliterated and the bathroom attendant was rushing toward me with a hand full of paper towels. As soon as she saw my blood spattered legs, hands, arms, and dress she began switching between cleanup and paper towels. I went through three more wads of paper towels before it began to slow long enough for me to use the restroom and to be able to ask one of the waitresses I knew to grab a manager. Light headed and shaky from the blood loss I was in no shape to work, all I wanted to do was go home.
If I could have had a camera to capture the look on my managers face when he saw me I would have. Blood spattered dress, bloody paper towels to my face I quickly assured him it was a nose bleed and he promptly answered with, “You want to go home?” It’s times like this I’m glad I don’t drive to work nor was the bathroom attendant going to let me drive myself, but I was able to get to my phone, call my bedmate, and change clothes before I felt to weak. By the time my bedmate arrived I had the nose bleed stopped to walk out the door like a normal person. In all my life I have never had a nose bleed and would never imagine they could be this severe. I can’t explain what went on or why it started out of no where but within 24 hrs. I had a second one. Less intense but just the same way with a serious headache that followed afterward. This time it came on just as my bedmate and I were about to orgasm. It’s really strange and has both of us a little concerned but until it happens more repetitively and all other options, such as dry sinuses, are ruled out a doctor’s not going to do a thing. So far I’ve been almost three days without a nose bleed but I’m still thinking I should go to an ENT (Ear Nose Throat Specialist) for a check up to make sure everything’s alright.
Sigmund’s 1st Birthday

His Birthday was this weekend, Saturday, and we gave him a little surprise.
His monkey lasted all of ten minutes before the stuffing was pulled out and the squeaker demolished.
But it wouldn’t have been a birthday without birthday cake. I made him a special doggie cake just for him.
I tried putting a candle on top of his cupcake but quickly realized it was going to be disastrous.